Artists: Ken & Rod Gouff, Christine & James Sedley
Sponsor: Pasa Robles Inn
Event:CowParade SLO County 2016-2017
Packaging: NEW Packaging
About this Cow: Clarabelle, a true wine cow from hoof to horn. She is right at home in SLO County, California's wine country-the beautiful region boasts 240 vineyards and over 40 grape varieties. The life-size cow masterpiece was a collaboration between painter Rod Gouff, Rod's brother Ken Gouff and photographer Christine Gouff-Sedley. The artists created Clarabelle as a celebration of their deep, life-long connection to the region.
Sponsor: Pasa Robles Inn
Event:CowParade SLO County 2016-2017
Packaging: NEW Packaging
About this Cow: Clarabelle, a true wine cow from hoof to horn. She is right at home in SLO County, California's wine country-the beautiful region boasts 240 vineyards and over 40 grape varieties. The life-size cow masterpiece was a collaboration between painter Rod Gouff, Rod's brother Ken Gouff and photographer Christine Gouff-Sedley. The artists created Clarabelle as a celebration of their deep, life-long connection to the region.